24th Annual Garlic City Car Show
The Gilroy Chamber of Commerce presents the 24th Annual Garlic City Car Show, Saturday, June 15, 2024. Located in Downtown Gilroy, this event attracts thousands of spectators to enjoy hundreds of custom and classic cars, awards, vendors, beer and wine, and more.
FREE for spectators.
Highlights from Past Shows
- The Garlic City Car Show has always been held in Downtown Gilroy
- 2000 was the first Garlic City Car Show
- Originally started as a kick-off for the Gilroy Garlic Festival
- At one point it was called Garlic City Fun Run because it included a 5K run
- In 2003 large rock boulders were brought in for an off-road course
- In 2007 the Garlic City Car Show included a hot dog eating contest
- In 2014 it included a street Sock Hop
- In 2016 the Gilroy Chamber of Commerce began managing the Car Show
- In 2017 David Jenkins, lead singer/guitarist, from “Pablo Cruise” performed in concert
- In 2018, the show was expanded to a 3-day event including a Parade of Cars and a Show and Shine. The final day included over 10,000 attendees, 55 vendors, 3 live music stages with 17 bands performing throughout the day, and 284 registered vehicles
- In 2019, Dennis Gage from My Classic Car filmed the show for his tv show, broadcasted in over 100 million homes. We had over 10,000 attendees, 4 music stages with 24 bands throughout the day, 7 Trophies (Best of Show; Mayor’s Award; President’s Award; Dennis Gage Award; Longest Distance; Most Unique; Best Paint, 42 Merchant Awards and 350 of the coolest cars in Gilroy!
- In 2022, the Garlic City Car Show returned to Downtown Gilroy after 2 years of cancellations due to COVID-19. Due to ongoing restrictions, we cut the show down to 225 classic cars and 2 live music stages. We had over 30 vendors, and over 5,000 attendees. We also gave out 40 Merchant Awards, 3 trophies, and a new award honoring the late Donald Elvis Prieto and his family.